I am delighted to be the guest blogger today at the Ladies of Mystery, a group blog that promotes mysteries, the “stories that keep you up all night.” I talk about my writing process, how a combination of my real life experiences together with Internet research works for me. For instance, on my trip to England I kept a detailed journal to use in writing A Killing in the Cotswolds, the third novel in the Emily Swift Travel Mystery series. Like my fictional sleuth, Emily, I travelled from London to Cotswold villages to Stratford upon Avon and enjoyed delicious teas and visits to historic sites. Every night I jotted down notes in my journal. But it was Internet research that gave me the idea for the long-buried secret that led to murder. I didn’t use the actual event but it spurred my imagination. Visit https://ladiesofmystery.com/ Ladies of Mystery to read my blog and those of other mystery writers.